Small rapper, CEO of Mr. Crane Studios.

Skiddleton @skid2gas


Developer and Rapper

Skiddy Park High School

United States

Joined on 10/3/18

Exp Points:
263 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.46 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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skid2gas's News

Posted by skid2gas - May 13th, 2024

I know people don't pay attention to me anymore, but you will with this news - Mr. Crane Adventures 2 is officially in development! I just started stage 2 of Level 1!

Posted by skid2gas - January 2nd, 2024

Sure you already know but Mr. Crane Adventures was released on December 30, 2023. What are you waiting for? Go play it and vote this amazing and well made Scratch game!

Posted by skid2gas - June 27th, 2023

I have good news and gooder news, the good news is that Mr. Crane Adventures is about 60% done and will be released when everything is checked and runs fine. The gooder news is that I have discovered extra TurboWarp extensions, including a Newgrounds one, which allows me to add leaderboards, medals, and more, so be prepared.

P.S. - I decreased the number of languages for the release, which includes English, Latin American Spanish, and Quebecois (Canadian French) as the Newgrounds release will be the American release and releases dedicated for other regions will be released for international CranerGamer sites.

Posted by skid2gas - December 11th, 2022

Due to the game having over-the-roof assets and going over the 10MB limit, the game will be split into episodes. The game is about done, and will start on episode 2 soon.

Posted by skid2gas - October 14th, 2022

Hello, its me, and I need your help, for localization.

I'm setting a competition for localizing Mr. Crane Adventures into Spanish, French, Italian, and Japanese when the game is finished.

If you want to help, here is what you need to do:

DM the official Mr. Crane Instagram, willing to help. you will be sent an unreleased, finished sb3 copy of Mr. Crane Adventures. You must speak both English and the other language. And you most record the entire game's voices in the cutscenes. The text is already translated, so you don't need to edit it. When you finish send it to the Mr. Crane Instagram. And whoever sends the bestest, clean and clearest localization of those 4 languages, will be used in the US/Canada, European, and Japanese versions of the game. The voices must correspond with the ones in the English one, like how Mark has a high pitched voice, make it sound high pitch. Dutch, Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil), and Arabic will be coming soon after that too.

Posted by skid2gas - September 1st, 2022


This is "Life"Bot/DeathBot, the Upcoming World 2 boss! (In the full version)

Posted by skid2gas - August 15th, 2022

Mr. Crane Adventures BETA! is out now!

Posted by skid2gas - June 13th, 2022

I have an idea for a game, Mr. Crane DIY, you can make your own levels just like Mario Maker.

Posted by skid2gas - June 6th, 2022

Mr. Crane New ~ The latest news is that The First world is done on the game, technically I call it the first level, similar how SEGA calls the worlds in the older Sonic games like The Green Hill Zone "levels." So the will have 5 main levels, with 5 sub-levels in each of them, so you do the math, I'm not, its simple. So an additional world will be a gift if you do "a something" in the game, I'm not spoiling it. And it will come out soon. I'm trying to finish as fast as I can, working til 4am on weekends. it's gonna be good.

Posted by skid2gas - May 5th, 2022

Im able to work on the game with my new rog pc yay going to post on scratch.